Cuando buscamos nuestra propia definición, nuestra propia esencia, nuestra forma de ser esperamos saberlo todo acerca de nosotros. Pero eso es francamente imposible, no te engañes, jamás dejas de conocerte. Pero es cuando niegas aquello que sientes, cuando entras en una forma de ser que no te define.
De pequeños, no teníamos ninguna duda de como éramos, podíamos tardar segundos en explicarnos. Pero porque falta algo crucial, la experiencia, aquella que te convierte en algo totalmente distinto de cómo empezamos, aquello que día a día va definiendo una actitud y una esencia fuerte y que, con los años, irá fortaleciéndose hasta hacer de una persona madura y con metas.
¿Y a qué viene esto? Viene a que un día echas de menos la persona que era antes, cuando realmente no comprendes que siendo la persona anterior se te comerían vivo. Viene a qué un día te despertarás y no sabrás porque la vida pesa más, ¿o por qué las conversaciones sinceras con tu familia te saben distinto? Viene a qué despiertes, deja de pensar en un pasado o en una cantidad de posibles experiencias que pudiste vivir y piensa en la infinidad de cosas que te aguarda.
Deja de mirarte en el espejo lamentándote de que no te reconoces o de qué no te mereces esto, claro que te lo mereces, incluso diría que lo necesitas. Porque aquello que no te mata, te hace más fuerte ¿no? O, al menos, eso decía la canción.
Levántate y sueña, no es malo tener desear y tener aspiraciones en la vida. Lo malo es dejarlas de lado, porque crees que no eres suficiente. Y con ello os dejo con uno de los mejores vídeos que jamás he visto.
I always lived between two poles. I can't avoid it. At the start I begin with one idea, very sure of that, knowing that nothing in the world would make me change my way of thinking and, the next day, I think the opposite. It's unavoidable, first I act then I think.
When we are looking for our own definition, our substance, our mannerisms we expect to know everything about us. Nevertheless that's still quite impossible, don't lie to yourself you never stop knowing yourself. But when you refuse the way you feel, that's when you become another person that doesn't fit you.
When we're children, we hadn't any doubt about who we were, we could define ourselves in seconds. That's because something crucial is left, the experience, that who totally aim at something different since the start, that which keeps defining you attitude and a stronger substance daily and, through the years will consolidate in a grown up an with goals person.
What's the reason of this text? The reason is that one day you miss the person you were before, when you don't really understand that being the person you were before you would be eaten out. The reason is because one day you won't know why the life is heavier, or why do the sincere conversations with your family tastes differently. The reason is for you to wake up, stop thinking in your past or in the amount of possible experiences you could live and think of the large number of things which awaits you.
Stop looking at your mirror with sadness because you can't recognize yourself or because you don't deserve that, of course you do, even I would say you need it. Because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, isn't it?
Or that's what the song said.
Stand up and dream, it isn't bad whising or having dreams in life. The bad thing is to leave them aside, because you think it's impossible. So I let you with one of my favorite videos that I have ever seen.